When buying PVC panels, you try to pay attention to their appearance, color, absence of stains, chips and cracks. At the same time, do not forget to inspect the side sections of the panels: they should all have the same thickness. Otherwise you may have problems already in the process of installation.
But you are unlikely to be able to sheathe the facade of the building with vinyl panels. To create a single, whole canvas, component materials are needed. Often facade decor includes the use of stucco molding and decorative stone.
There should be a basis in everything. And in this case, the start profile is first attached along the bottom of the building. And the first sheet of the vinyl panel is already fixed on it. The rest of the sheets are adhere to each other, rising row by a row upward.
Having reached the level of the roof, you may encounter a small problem – the last row of panels simply does not fit into the size. Therefore, you will have to cut the top panel, and, therefore, deprive it of a reliable fastening. Therefore, a finish profile is filled under the roof, in which the edge of the panel is started.
But the houses, as a rule, also have angles. The components for siding themselves are called: external and internal corner. And they are attached to the places allotted to them. The ends of the vinyl panels are wound into them.
To connect the siding panels to each other, a connecting H-profile is used, which helps to firmly dock the panels together.
But in door, window openings, for joining non-standard angles, a J-profile is used.
The cornice between the wall and the roof is lined with soffit panels. And in order to dock them with the wall of the house, you will need an F-profile.
As you can see, there will be a lot of costs for sheathing a house with polyvinyl chloride panels. But don’t skimp here. The better the siding sheets are joined, the more solid the coating will look. This means that the appearance of the building will be more beautiful.