In the latest analysis of the Ukrainian real estate market, it was said about certain positive signs that were recorded. And how are things in the country’s real estate market on the eve of the New Year holidays?
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In general, two diametrically opposite trends could be observed on the market at once. The first is that after a rather long period of waiting, participants began to return to the market. The second is that the approach of Christmas and the New Year is more and more clearly felt. The real estate market was empty: previously active sellers and buyers were leaving it more and more actively. Some clients began to ask to move the viewing of the object to the first half of January. An increasing number of Ukrainian citizens have set their sights on a quality and carefree vacation, after the experiences and negative expectations that have reigned in the market over the past few weeks.
The value of real estate in the market as a whole was quite stable. Price fluctuations continue in some segments.