The neck is one of the most “treacherous” parts of the body, showing age without hesitation. Problems can begin already in youth, the reason for this is wrong habits. Wearing turtlenecks and neckerchiefs designed to hide the real state of affairs is not an option, as the constant use of these items of clothing will backfire, drawing even more attention to the neck. Are there safe methods to quickly and effectively reshape the skin of the neck??
How to tighten the skin of the neck
Exist. This article will describe simple and effective ways to restore the tone of this part of the body. No revolutionary techniques, everything is very simple and effective, but only if not everything is lost – only salon procedures and plastic are able to cope with age -related skin changes in the skin. The methods described here are still more preventive.
So, we have two fronts of work: care and performance of special exercises. The skin of the neck quickly becomes dry, which means it ages faster. If you do not take care of it, have the habit of keeping your head bowed, stooping, overeating and drinking alcohol often, then very soon the condition of the neck will become depressing – it will look old. It is possible to “earn” even in twenty years. However, in youth it is easier to correct such a mistake – the recovery processes are faster.
How to tighten the skin of the neck
Firstly, in order to normalize the skin of the neck, you need to take care of it. Cleanse and moisturize. Scrub a couple of times a week, after which you can wipe your neck with a tonic and apply a moisturizing mask – the skin perceives this procedure very well. You can simply use only one tonic twice a day, ideally it should have cleansing and moisturizing properties – in this case, even the use of a cream becomes optional. But this is in youth, after thirty years, care should be taken according to all the rules. Regular use of cosmetics makes the skin smooth and well-groomed, the neck literally looks younger before our eyes.
For optimal results, exercise several times a week. There is exercise for the face – Facebook building, but there is also for the neck. The duration of such a “fitness” is 5 – 10 minutes, the effect is excellent. The neck is tightened, the chin line becomes clear, regular exercises allow you to maintain the oval of the face even in adulthood.
How to tighten the skin of the neck
The actual exercises (performed in a standing position, 10 repetitions each):
Imagine that a load is tied to the chin, lower your head, then slowly, as if resisting gravity, raise it.
Wrap your arms around your shoulders, and, counting to yourself to ten, stretch your crown to the ceiling.
Tilt your head back, push your chin forward, and, straining your neck, return to the previous position.
Turn your head to the right shoulder, then to the left.
Alternately tilt your head to your shoulders.
Standing straight, tilt your head back, and slowly raise it.
For the chin, patting with the back of the hand is useful.
By starting to take care of your neck in time, you can noticeably improve its condition and preserve youth for a long time.