It is important for any bank to issue loans. It is much easier for a working person to get a loan. After all, the bank makes concessions to him and issues a loan in 99% of cases. But how to behave to people without official employment? In fact, no one is immune from the need to urgently receive a certain amount of money. Not every person has wealthy friends, so the bank you need to come to to get a loan can help in this situation. Since the bank is trying to make money in every possible way, it is ready to provide a loan on trust. In fact, most often the trust moment only works on a psychological level.
How to get a loan for the unemployed
What does a bank mean by trust?? So, in this case, you can get a loan if you have a passport and TIN. And at the same time, supposedly no one will demand a guarantee for the return of the loan. But in reality, the entire risk of the bank must be assumed by the borrower. And this is not surprising, because most often a very high interest rate is put forward for such loans – more than 30% per annum. And before granting a loan, the bank will still get acquainted with the credit history of the prospective borrower. That is, if there is even the slightest doubt about your solvency, this venture should be abandoned.
How to get a loan for the unemployed
As for loans with a guarantee, in this case, some person will have to vouch for the solvency of the borrower. He will have to bear responsibility and if the borrower cannot repay the loan, then the guarantor will have to do this. Therefore, not everyone agrees to be a guarantor. Although this option is good in that, unlike trust transactions, you will have to pay a small percentage. In addition, under the guarantee you can take absolutely any loan. The next type of loan, which is considered very risky, is secured. In this case, you can take risks if solvency is not in doubt. In this case, the bank will not be interested in the borrower’s sources of income.
How to get a loan for the unemployed
The next loan option issued by banks is express. These are mainly consumer loans issued for small amounts. Most often, a decision on such a loan is made within 1 hour. To do this, you will need an identity document and TIN, income statements will not be required. Also now in demand is a credit card, which is issued free of charge and very quickly. And finally, as a last resort, it is worth contacting loan brokers who will help in case of a bank refusal, an unemployed person or a person with a negative credit history.