It is better not to carry out repair work in winter, because many materials have a certain temperature, and there should not be high humidity during repair.
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If the facade is finished in a wet way, then it should be carried out at a temperature of at least five degrees. But indoor work can be carried out almost all year round, but there are certain rules for this. To connect some materials or a structure will be mounted, the room must have normal humidity and temperature. If repairs are carried out in cold weather, then it is better that there are no drafts when laying some surfaces, otherwise all the work will be done in vain.
In winter, many materials are almost impossible to transport. Many materials, including windows and doors, should be kept in the room after delivery, otherwise many lose their properties and even dimensions. Wooden doors generally cannot be transported in unheated vehicles, otherwise the varnish on them will crack and the appearance will completely deteriorate.