As strange as it may seem, but, as doctors say, you even need to rest wisely, following some rules. For example, sunbathing in the sun, you can get a beautiful and even tan and benefit your body, or, conversely, get a sunburn and harm yourself. It all depends on how correctly you sunbathe – in order for direct sunlight to bring you only positive emotions, sunbathing under the sun follows the following rules:
First, it should be remembered that there are people who are not recommended to sunbathe or are generally contraindicated for medical reasons. If you are healthy, but your body has a lot of age spots and moles of different sizes and colors, then most likely a tan will not do you any good either. You should not get too carried away with tanning for those people who have a very light skin tone – they have a very high probability of burns.
If you are firmly convinced that a tan will only benefit you, then before you go to the beach, be sure to use sunscreen, which can be in the form of lotions, creams or sprays. Remember that the shoulders, nose and chest are considered the most vulnerable to the rays of the sun on the human body. They must be lubricated with these products most carefully, and if you are in direct sunlight, this must be repeated every half hour.
You decide to take a vacation in hot countries? Then you need to remember that in the first days of rest it is not recommended to be more than 5 minutes under the sun. After a few days, as you get used to the new climate for you, this time can be gradually increased to reasonable limits. But remember that being in the sun for more than an hour is undesirable.
Of course, everyone knows that it is better and safer to sunbathe before 11 am and after 5 pm. But it would be useful to remind this rule – a tan obtained during the peak hours of solar activity can cause serious harm to your health.
If you have excessive sweating, then apply sunscreen before their expiration date – sweat, unfortunately, reduces it.
When sunbathing, cover your hair and eyes with a hat and glasses – exposure to direct sunlight can make your hair dull and the skin around the eyes wrinkled.
Do not sunbathe in the same position – so that the tan is uniform and beautiful, change it every 15-20 minutes and lie alternately either on your back or on your stomach.
If you are one of those women who would like to get a chocolate tan already in the first days of their vacation by the sea, then you can use special tan accelerating products for this. Even if you have thin and snow-white skin, you don’t have to worry about getting burned. The use of tanning stimulants, which contain ingredients that nourish and moisturize the skin, will save you from this.
If you are going to sunbathe, you will probably buy sunscreen for yourself. And here, too, there are subtleties. When choosing it, it is very important to choose the right sun protection factor for your skin in order to save your skin from premature aging. And one more point – when choosing a sunscreen for tanning in the open sun, do not buy a tan cream in a solarium – it is unlikely to save you from burns.
As you can see, the rules that are recommended to follow while basking in the sun are simple. Follow them – and then your tan will be uniform, beautiful and will not harm your body. And your vacation will leave you only pleasant memories.