The cost of Ukrainian apartments, which are traditionally located on the territory of large cities, especially such as Kyiv, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk to stand very expensive. Not everyone can afford to buy an apartment even on credit. And this is not taking into account those people who have limited ability to work, because their main income is exclusively disability benefits.
Who in our country has the right to claim free housing, which should be provided by the state, and how realistic this is based on modern conditions?
Naturally, houses – glued beams -lps-dom are not offered to them, since such houses, despite their availability, are built by people for their own money, and not government.
Who is entitled to apartments?
First of all, let’s pay attention to the fact that, in accordance with article number 11 of the Ukrainian law on the housing fund for social purposes, people with disabilities have the legal right to receive extraordinary residential property among people with disabilities:
– all disabled people who took part in the Great Patriotic War, but at the same time they must be on the appropriate apartment register for the last two years. If we are talking about people with disabilities of the first group, then they can be in this queue for the last year;
– juvenile prisoners who were under the age of 14 at the time of their actual imprisonment in concentration camps, as well as in a number of other places of detention;
– can apply for housing and all the spouses of the deceased, who were previously persecuted by representatives of the Nazi regime, who were disabled due to labor injuries received;
– those citizens of Ukraine who suffered from the Chernobyl disaster and have the corresponding first and second category.
In our next article, we will study the question of where to go for this.