Many women are interested in purchasing an original handbag. This accessory becomes a status of prestige and high position in society. Hermes bags are offered for sale in a large assortment. However, it is important to understand those points that will help distinguish an original product from a fake.
Logo and branding
One of the signs of a fake is incorrect or insufficiently high-quality application of the brand logo on the bag. Original handbags usually have a clear and neat logo. On fakes it is blurry or has an irregular shape.
Quality of materials
Handbags of original origin are made from high quality materials. This is either genuine leather or good textiles. Counterfeits are made from cheap materials of poor quality. This is immediately noticeable both in sensations and in appearance.
Construction and finishing
The original bags have impeccable design and the highest quality finish. All seams are neat, zippers and buttons are reliable, the interior decoration is thought out to the smallest detail. The fakes have rough seams and weak zippers, and the design is flawed.
If the cost of the bag is too low, then this may be a fake. Handbag Luxury cannot be too cheap, since the accessories are of high quality, and production is carried out using innovative technologies. Think about it if the price of the product is much lower than the market level.
Place of purchase
Purchasing a handbag from an official brand store will reduce the risk of buying a fake. You should not choose accessories from markets, street vendors, or online stores about which you know nothing.
Authentication tags and serial numbers
Many original bags have special marks that will allow you to check their authenticity on the brand’s official website. Counterfeits often do not have such marks or numbers.
Packaging and documentation
Original bags are usually delivered in high-quality packaging with appropriate documentation. This is a care instruction or warranty card. Counterfeits may be supplied without such documentation, and their packaging may have various defects. Study such details carefully so as not to encounter unpleasant surprises.
The most fashionable ballet must be chosen very carefully. This is your opportunity to invest your own money in purchasing an original handbag that will meet your wildest expectations and become a highlight of any look!