Interior doors made entirely of glass are an example of individuality and style and serve as an elegant design element. They have many advantages. Their main advantage is that they are able to transmit sunlight. In rooms where natural light is poor, this is absolutely necessary. Also, glass doors create a coherent, light and relaxed atmosphere. With the help of a glass door, you can visually significantly enlarge the room, combine its different zones into a single whole. By the way, if you decide to finish with natural stone, then glass doors will be a great solution.
Cloths of glass in such a door can be frosted or tinted, transparent or ornamented. A standard glass door will cost its future owner relatively inexpensively, but it will successfully perform its practical functions.
Glass doors according to the method of opening are divided into the following types:
– pendulum;
– swing;
– sliding doors (doors slide apart).
There are also curved doors. They are made of deformed glass, are available in a sliding and pendulum version.
At the level of visual perception, the design of such doors seems light and very fragile, but in reality they are very massive and have a large margin of safety, thanks to glass heat treatment technologies. Glass doors are temperature resistant. The disadvantage of doors is their poor thermal insulation and reduced level of sound insulation. Therefore, it is preferable to install glass doors in warm and well-heated rooms.