Installation of shingles is slowly but surely becoming a very popular construction service. Many homeowners have managed to appreciate all the advantages and benefits of this building material.
All roofing building materials produced using bitumen and similar oil raw materials are classified as flexible tiles. Shinglas, built-up roofing, ondulin and flexible tiles can be considered soft roofing. Installation of flexible tiles, in contrast to the built-up roll material, is carried out mechanically.
Compared to other types of roofing, flexible tiles have good sound absorption, greater resistance to temperature extremes and the vagaries of nature. In addition, such a coating is monolithic, multi-layered and perfectly protects the roof from moisture penetration. Simple installation of flexible tiles is also a definite plus, along with lower labor costs and speed of work.
In addition to the above advantages, such material practically does not require special attention in operation. Roof shingles are easy to repair, as individual elements are very easy to replace. At the same time, the roof, on which the flexible tiles were installed, looks unusually beautiful. All these distinctive characteristics of the material plus low cost contribute to the distribution not only abroad, but also in many regions of Russia.
When to install shingles?
According to the general opinion of experts, the installation of flexible tiles cannot be done in winter, when the air temperature is below 5 degrees Celsius. The fact is that the lower layer of flexible tiles is treated with a special adhesive for a tighter “hitch” with the base. And at low temperatures, the glue simply will not perform its functions and the tiles can subsequently leak moisture.
Before installation of flexible tiles, it should be kept indoors for some time at normal room temperature. Before laying, you need to mix the material from different packs so that color spots and stripes do not turn out on the roof, and the surface looks uniform. It is necessary to lay the tiles on a flat, solid base, for example, on OSB boards. You can also use the old roof, provided that it has no damage.
The tile is stuffed to the base with galvanized nails. Edge elements are separately glued with mastic. Installation of flexible tiles is in the form of honeycombs or chain mail. The “mail” version is more expensive, but also more durable, since in some places fragments of flexible tiles have a double and triple layer.
Flexible shingles are good because they are easy to install. It is great for both new buildings and buildings that have stood for more than a decade. It can be mounted on roofs of any shape and size.