Members of the family in which the girl is growing up should start thinking about the fact that such a difficult transitional age will soon come. It is very important in this difficult period for your child, and, consequently, for your family, to choose the right behavior model. How can you better understand your child and help him as much as possible. First of all, all this, of course, is connected with the changes that occur in her body.
Appearance changes very unevenly, and therefore not always the reflection in the mirror gives your child pleasure. Be careful in those phrases that are related to the external data of your child.
The hormonal background is being rebuilt, all this cannot but affect the mood and manifests itself in aggressive outbursts, inadequate reactions, the child is in a state of stress.
Try to support your daughter in her taste preferences. If she wants to be “like everyone else”, buy her clothes that suit her peers in style. If the child wants to show individuality and stand out, do not interfere or suppress it.
Take care of your teeth, skin and hair. Show that daily self-care is essential. The face should be clean, tender, well-groomed. Hair must be washed every other day, they should not be greasy. Make sure that they are not disheveled and do not stick out in different directions. Teeth, of course, must be healthy, without plaque. Must not have bad breath. Hands must be well-groomed, nails clean.
Encourage your child to participate in social life, to communicate with peers.
If your daughter confided her secret to you, in no case do not tell it to someone else. By such actions, you will simply lose confidence and push the child away from you.
Monitor your child’s self-esteem. Do not praise for no reason and do not inflate it to indecent proportions. At the same time, do not belittle the child, constantly pointing out his shortcomings and shortcomings.
Intimate hygiene is a must. Should be washed every day. Underwear is also changed daily.
Do not lose sight of the fact that it is during this period that the girl begins her first menstruation. Prepare her in advance for this event. Tell all the necessary information so that what happened does not become a shock for the child. Also tell us about the hygiene products that will be needed during this period and about their features.
The way your child communicates with peers will resemble the way you communicate in your family. Always remember this.
Have a talk about communication with young people. Softly and unobtrusively tell about the rules of conduct, as well as convey information about possible dangers.
If you suspect a sexual intercourse that has arisen, you should not swear and take everything with hostility. Better explain to her about methods of contraception.
Do not forget to simultaneously accustom your child to housework: cleaning, cooking, washing dishes, etc. pay special attention to culinary skills. It will not be superfluous to teach your daughter some needlework.