On April 7, the whole Orthodox world celebrates the bright holiday of the Annunciation of the Virgin. By tradition, it is the most revered holiday in all of Russia, because the Mother of God has long been considered the “protective mother” of all Christians. The date of this holiday is “enduring”, counted 9 months before Christmas and personifies the events that are described in the Gospel of Luke. At that time, the Virgin Mary, who was preparing herself for the service of God, heard from the Angel Gabriel the joyful news that she “had found mercy from God” and would give birth to a child who “… will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High …”
How to celebrate the Orthodox feast of the Annunciation
This joyful news became Good News to all mankind, because after many years from the fall of our distant ancestors Adam and Eve, a new “covenant” was concluded between God and man about the possibility of saving humanity as a whole. In ancient Christians, this holiday was sometimes called the “beginning of atonement”, and in the VII century it was fixed by the name that we use now: the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
According to the Charter, on this holiday, a “relaxation” of fasting is allowed. You can eat a variety of fish dishes. From ancient times, a recipe for fish pie (from rice and fish fillet) has come down to us, which was made in Russia to celebrate the Annunciation and other days of non-strict fasting.
Festive Liturgy and “All-Night Vigil” are held in churches. As in the old days, so today, during the festive service, the rite of the breaking of bread is held, during which 5 loaves are consecrated (symbolizing the miracle when Christ fed 5,000 people with five loaves), and then these loaves are broken and distributed to believers.
How to celebrate the Orthodox feast of the Annunciation
The Day of the Good News has long been considered the beginning of a real spring and the beginning of sowing work, therefore, at the church service, in addition to bread, wine and oil, grains of wheat were also consecrated so that there would be a good harvest. In pre-revolutionary Russia, peasants sorted out pieces of consecrated prosphora around the barn, believing that they would save grain from pests and rodents.
On the holy feast of the Annunciation, all birds were released into the wild, symbolizing the rite of liberation and the beginning of a new life. Some people even bought birds from catchers in order to release them, because it was believed that the released bird would ask God for the one who released it.
How to celebrate the Orthodox feast of the Annunciation
In general, this day was considered a day of mercy, people visited the sick and prisoners, arranged dinners for the poor and distributed alms.
In the people on this day, any work is considered a great sin. Even in the old days they said that on the Annunciation “a girl does not weave a braid, a bird does not build a nest”. Many folk beliefs are associated with this day. If, for example, you call your husband “soapy” from morning to night (and you need 34 times), then you will be “nice” for him all year. It was impossible to borrow and lend on this day, it was believed that you were distributing good luck and health. If it rained on the Annunciation, it was believed that the summer would be very rainy. With dry weather on this day, a drought was to be expected. If the wind blows or fog spreads – to a good harvest. Well, if there is snow, then he should be there “right up to Yegorye”.
How to celebrate the Orthodox feast of the Annunciation
“Today is the beginning of our salvation…,” the hymns say during the divine service on the day of the Holy Annunciation. And all of humanity has been reverently listening to these words for many years now, a century, a millennium, in the hope of a miracle of salvation, which God promised us at that distant time. With hope for a miracle of redemption and deliverance from original sin, which led to the expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise, we celebrate the brightest holiday of spring. There are no memorial rites on this day. After all, this holiday brings extraordinary joy to our souls, which will turn into faith and hope on the day that we look forward to, performing the feat of Great Lent, the day of the Great Resurrection of Christ.