First of all, the appearance of the hallway is formed by the mood that is inside the person, it creates the impression of the owner of the apartment and the first glance falls on the hallway. The hallway has a lot of different functions. Making hallways is not an easy task either. After all, shoes and outerwear and accessories, such as handbags and umbrellas, should be stored there at once. With all this, to create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort, you need to take into account, first of all, some properties of the hallway as a “room”.
Of course, you first need to look first of all at the size of such a room. Putting a large number of cabinets or shelves there, of course, is not worth it, this will only spoil the impression. In this case, if you have a small hallway, you can put only one item that will serve you for a long time and fit into the interior, it can only be a hanger or a wardrobe, or a box with a mirror. In general, in the hallways of any size, you first need to put a shelf for shoes, and arrange it correctly, so that the guests get the impression that the owner is hospitable and tidy. Choosing furniture is much less of a hassle, since there are several options for how to decorate the hallway. Most often wardrobes fit well.